Ecuador has arrested 43 people linked to the Colombian illegal armed group responsible for the kidnapping and murder of two Ecuadorian journalists and their driver on the border between both countries.
But police authorities said they are still seeking the leader of the organization.
Ecuadorian government has confirmed the murder of a Journalist Javier Ortega, photographer Paul Rivas and driver Efrain Segarra of the newspaper El Comercioon at the conflicting border between the two countries.
They were kidnapped by the Oliver Sinisterra front, a faction of the former FARC guerrillas that refused to adhere to a 2016 peace agreement,on March 26.
Authorities have failed to capture the leader of the group Walter Artizala for which Ecuador and Colombia have announced a reward of two hundred and forty eight thousand dollars,for information that leads to his death or capture.
The refugees reveals they are living in torturous conditions where they had to battle scorching temperatures during daytime and mosquitoes during night.