Experts in the marketing communications industry said lack of trust is a major factor that impacts organizational reputation in any country.
This submission formed part of the discussions at the presentation of the 2018 Edelman trust barometer report in Lagos.
Edelman, the world’s largest global communication marketing firm has presence in 65 countries across the globe, the firm has been conducting annual trust and credibility survey without including Nigeria in its surveys.
But for the first time in 18 years, Nigeria was among countries surveyed, and Edelman’s report now provides opportunity for key functionaries of gover ment, chief executive officers, captains of industries and key influencers in the corporate world to interact and chart a new course for the entire business environment.
The survey report is significant because it documents insights and knowledge to help government, businesses, media and non governmental organisations to pro actively build and raise their trust equity as a major factor that impacts company’s reputation.
Participants at this gathering agree that this survey will help address the issue of reliable data required by organisations in the public and private sector to develop strategy for their growth.