Experts have identified proper handling of heart conditions as the antidote to fatalities in our day to day lives.
To this end, a training organised by Prudent Heart care Foundation, for medical personnel has been held in Lagos to educate Nigerians, not just health workers, on the need to know how to handle heart conditions, when they suddenly occur.
Health Correspondent, Jacqueline Ogoh, reports that the key interest of the trainer was to see the trainees become well informed on handling heart conditions, especially in emergency situations as well as Symptoms of a stroke.
Organiser of the training wants the government to install heart resuscitators in the malls in cities and towns across the country, as well as other strategic locations, to ensure people are easily rescued from death, in emergency situations.
Among information received by the trainees were how to understand irregular heart rythms, when to give or not give fluid in emergency heart conditions, what to do when a patient is pulseless and how to detect when a patient is suddenly presenting with symptoms of a stroke.
In all, the government is advised to ensure, that medical equipment are not just purchased and dumped in the hospitals.
Health workers should be trained to use them efficiently, for the desired results to be attained.
A clinic Court should be established to prosecute medical staff because as long as you a ordinary person you will be extorted in various way and also neglect.