The ranking Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff said he believes Michael Cohen is not the only witness who made false statements to Congress regarding the Trump Organization’s real estate project in Moscow.
Schiff, who will become chairman of the committee in January made the statements shortly after Cohen pleaded guilty to making false statements to Congress.
He said : “Obviously, in terms of the Russia investigation, it clearly indicates that the special counsel is getting meaningful help from Mr. Cohen.
When asked what determined whether or not there was any financial leverage that the Russians may have with the president, Schiff said: “Well I think we need to look into, among other things, the credible allegations that the Russians may have been laundering money through the Trump administration.
“That has been a constant concern of ours but an issue that the Republicans were unwilling to look into. That is something that we expect to pursue but I think Michael Cohen’s guilty plea also underscores the importance of something else, and that is we believe other witnesses were untruthful before our committee.
“We want to share those transcripts with Mr. Mueller. In this case, the special counsel only had the advantage of written testimony that the witness made public. We think that the special counsel ought to have the benefit of the transcripts, not only of Mr. Cohen’s testimony, but other witnesses like Roger Stone who may similarly have attempted to mislead the committee. We would like to see those steps taken now.
“They shouldn’t have to wait until January. Our GOP colleagues have voted to and committed to releasing these transcripts. We ought to accelerate particularly as it pertains to some of the witnesses where we have profound concerns about their truthfulness.”