The Legal Aid Council said it is working to ensure that people living in rural areas have easy access to Legal defence to ensure social Justice.
According to the council, this can be achieved by providing professional support, to indigent communities.
Tvcnews Celestina Iria reports that the united Nations believes that access to justice is a basic principle of the rule of law. Inability to access justice, leaves people unable to have their voice heard, exercise their rights, challenge discrimination or hold decision-makers accountable.
Majority of Nigeria’s 198 million population live in rural communities where access to legal representation is usually hard to come by
Community problems such as language and distance, make lawyers inaccessible and poses serious problems to getting Justice, hence the need for a paralegal.
The underprivileged and vulnerable members of society who account for over 70% of the population are also unable to afford lawyers and need the services of paralegals
There are over 100,000 lawyers throughout the federation within a population of over 198, million which is basically a ratio of 1 lawyer for
every 1700 people.