International Day of the African Child is observed on June 16 every year since the establishment of Organization of the African Unity in 1991.
The day aims at raising awareness about the condition of African children and how there is an urgent need to provide them with a better standard of living.
The day of African Child encourages people to share something special with a child in Africa.
International Day of the African Child commemorates those killed on June 16, 1976, during the Soweto Uprising in South Africa. On International Day of the African Child 2019, various events and programs are held across Africa and other countries highlighting their problems.
The theme for this year’s International Day of the African Child 2019 is ‘Humanitarian Action in Africa: Children’s Rights First’.
The day recognises the courage of students who marched for their right to better education. About ten thousand black school children had marched in a column protesting against the poor quality of their education. They also demanded to be taught in their own language.
However, hundreds of young children were shot and the weeks following witness protests in the region leading to more deaths.