Nigeria and other countries in Africa are being urged to adopt the Chinese government infrastructure development and investments strategy as modeled in the Belt and road initiative.
The Belt and road initiative is a Chinese economic strategy that is providing a new shift in international financial architecture.
Given that Nigeria is among the 126 countries and 29 international organisations that have signed into the China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the question is how would African countries find a niche within the initiative to optimize inherent potentials.
Discussants at a forum in Lagos underscored the need for the continent to key into the new economic hub being charted by China.
While China is driving at becoming a global economic center of gravity, many at the meeting are saying that African countries should develop infrastructure to boost its global influence.
China is clear about its expectations as it drives the belt and road initiative to promote its national economic prosperity, but what is Africa, particularly Nigeria doing to key into the initiative, considering the many limitations impeding infrastructural development on the continent.)
The communique issued at the conference is expected to provide a roadmap that would enable authorities in Nigeria develop workable strategies.