The Universal Basic Education Trust Fund has trained one hundred thousand government School teachers in the “Fast -track English literacy method”, making it the largest literacy project in Africa.
This, according to the Commission, is to address illiteracy in the Country.
The national commission for mass literacy, Adults and Non-formal Education reports that 35 percent of the nation’s population is illiterate. *
In nipping this trend in the bud, the Universal Basic Education Commission is ensuring that children are taught the basis of writing and
reading at an early stage, by training more teachers in jolly phonics.
Jolly phonics is a fast track method to help children read and write in English. It teaches the 42 letter sounds in a fun and multi -sensory way that
empowers the teachers and enable pupils to read basic words within the first week.
It is expected that the introduction of Jolly phonics, will go a long way towards drastically reducing the rate of illiteracy in the country.