The United Nations said about 10.5 million children are out of school in Nigeria, reflecting the decline in the quality and standard of education.
The guild of Muslims professionals is concerned that without quality education Nigeria’s development in 2050, may be affected.
The UN report stated that 61 percent aged 6 to 11 year old attend primary education and the government is trying to increase enrollment. Many experts talk about the UNESCO declaration that compel government’s to allocate 26 percent of their budgets to education.
Nigeria has never met up this recommendations. In The 2020 budget, 6.7 percent is allocated to education.
For the group, there must be a drastic change in the quality of education. The panelist agrees that poor management is One of the things that has crippled the educational sector. He also accused government of not showing enough interest towards solving the crucial problems in the sector.
The group highlighted some problems affecting the education. Some are Corruption, Poor teachers welfare, lack of funds, Poor salary, bonuses, as well as irregular payments of salaries.
The participants said for Nigeria to fully compete in 2050 with the league of nations in development, basic education must be taken seriously.