Leading politicians in Germany’s governing coalition have called for more support for the Ukraine military offensive against Russian troops that is currently gaining momentum in parts of the country.
“Germany must immediately play its part in Ukraine’s successes and supply protected vehicles – the Marder infantry fighting vehicle and the Leopard 2 main battle tank,” the chairwoman of the defence committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, told the dpa news agency.
Germany must assume a “leading role in Europe in the fight for democracy in peace and freedom”, said the politician of the pro-business FDP, which is the junior partner in the German coalition, which also includes the centre-left SPD and the Greens.
“Certainly this is not the time for dithering and hesitation,” she said. “The current military advance of the Ukrainian army and the first recaptured territories in the east of the country speak for Ukraine’s fighting strength and unconditional will to take back its invaded country.”
SPD foreign policy expert Michael Roth also spoke out in favour of quickly supporting the country with new weapons.
Their is growing Bi-partisan support in Germany by Politicians from all parties in Germany to back the Counter Offensive against Russian Occupation by Ukrainian Forces.