Flash floods struck the eastern Marche region of Italy on Thursday, leaving at least 10 people dead and several others missing, according to civil protection officials.
According to local news, the fatalities occurred in the province of Ancona, with four victims in Ostra, one in Trecastelli, one in Barbara, and one in Bettolelle.
The deaths occurred in the province of Ancona, with four people killed in Ostra, one in Trecastelli, one in Barbara, and one in Bettolelle.
Several people, including two children, were still missing on Friday morning, according to Italian media reports.
Civil protection chief Luigi d’Angelo described the sudden flooding as “an extremely intense event.”
Cantiano’s streets turned into rivers as torrents of muddy water swept away cars and reached the first floor of houses, prompting the mayor to urge residents to remain calm and stay indoors.
The flooding, which was caused by a wave of violent storms that hit regions across Italy, forced the closure of many schools in Le Marche on Friday.
Alluvione nelle Marche, dove in alcune zone, in poche ore sono caduti oltre 400mm di pioggia, l'equivalente che cade normalmente nell'arco di 7 mesi.
Nel video la situazione tra Cantiano e Sassoferrato i comuni più colpiti dalle fortissime precipitazioni. #alluvione pic.twitter.com/EZa1LNj84P— Tg La7 (@TgLa7) September 15, 2022