The forum for agriculture commodity associations is seeking to work with government, the private sector , research institutions as well as the academia towards enhancing agriculture productivity in the country.
It is also seeking better support for Agricultural Development by way of funding, technology and other areas that will enhance the sector’s development.
This is against the backdrop of various challenges that have continued to limit the sector from actualising its full potentials and enhancing food security in the country.
The forum of agriculture commodity associations sharing its thoughts on the state of the Nigerian agriculture sector.
It acknowledges efforts by both fiscal and monetary authorities to drive and sustain improved production in agriculture.
But it is worried that insecurity, poor access to finance, inadequate quality inputs, post harvest losses, poor market access, climate change and now floods have remained a cog in the wheel of progress.
The forum says the commodity associations are working with farmers to see the possibility of managing a revolving fund for onward lending to farmers with the associations being responsible for effective utilisation and recovery.
It is ready to work with the private sector through a public private partnership arrangement to provide quality and affordable inputs to farmers in a timely manner.
This also extends to collaborating with research institutions and other knowledge-based organisations, both locally and internationally, to increase the capacity of our farmers and provide seamless access to information on Good Agricultural Practice.
The Agro commodity association is also seeking
collaboration with the ministry of Environment and other relevant organisations to promote the adoption of climate-smart agriculture.
This will as well include adapting flood mitigation practices based on international best practices to prepare farmers ahead of flood incidences and other climate-change related challenges.
Synergy between the Government at all levels and private Sector practitioners according to experts is the way to go in enhancing Agric Production, Value Chain creation and Economic Development.