CSOS recorded two hundred and thirty eight incidents of violence with twenty four deaths across the country .
The group want stakeholders involved in running elections to change the narrative as it is giving the nation a bad image .
The group want the Government and politicians at all levels to join hands together to put an end to electoral violence across the country.
Civil Society Organizations who monitored the 2023 General election, have published a report indicating a total of two hundred and thirty eight incidents of violence and twenty four deaths were recorded during elections across the country.
This was disclosed at the public presentation of the Nigerian election violence report in Abuja .
Nigerian elections have always been plagued with violence and mistrust which usually triggers cancellation of elections and encourages reruns.
With this narrative citizens are resigned to the fact that violence will occur before, during and after elections .
Since 1999 electoral violence has increased with every passing election cycle due to internal political party disputes, party rivalry during campaigns and the eventual out come of elections.
Civil Society has been very critical of this trend and this prompted these CSOs to investigate and publish their reports so stakeholders involved in running elections can take note and do more to curb the menace.
Among recommendations are that Government must have zero tolerance for the illegal proliferation of arms during the electoral process as this aids the recruitment and arming of thugs who contribute a huge role in electoral violence.
But INEC insists that the reduction in recorded cases of violence during thess elections iindicates a marked improvement as compared to other polls.
Nigerians are that the commission will do more to ensure violence free elections in Nigeria .
Government and politicians at all levels are invited to join hands to put an end to electoral violence across the country as its his giving the country a bad image.