The President of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria , has assured Nigerians that the institute is committed to helping grow the Nation’s economy by promoting an enabling , sustainable business environment for all sectors to thrive.
This was disclosed at the institute’s fifty third annual accountant conference with the theme “Nigeria ; Imperative for inclusive development “ in Abuja .
Despite efforts by various administrations to have a sustainable economy across all sectors, in recent years the Nigerian economy has yielded very little growth .
This has made it difficult for managers of businesses to make the decisions for sustainable business .
A report by world bank shows that ; Nigerian economic growth has weakened, falling from 3.3 percent in 2022 to 2.4 percent in the first quarter of 2023 .
This was affected by the challenging global economics context.
But President Ahmed Bola Tinubu’s administration has initiated critical reforms to address macroeconomic imbalances.
The administration hopes this would have a transformative impact on the lives of millions of Nigerians and establish a solid foundation for sustainable growth.
At this conference , ICAN’s President, Innocent Iweka Okwuosa and Vice President Davidson Alaribe , lay emphasis on the need for the Nation‘s economy to thrive
This can be done by revisiting environmental, social, and governance priorities to create regular infrastructural environment.
The Federal Government on its part , explains that; it remains resolute on its quest to achieve economic growth .
Other leaders and key note speakers at the event are all optimistic that the conference will help proffer solutions to solve the Nation’s economic problems .
The institute want citizens and the Federal Government to come together to forge a path towards a more inclusive, equitable and prosperous Nigeria.