The roles of refugees and internally displaced persons have been acknowledged in the climate action advocacy.
This is the reason the National Commission for refugees, Migrants and internally displaced persons in collaboration with ‘I am the future of Nigeria youth Initiative’ launched A tree planting initiative for children in the IDP Camp in Abuja.
For refugees, migrants and internally displaced, the least on their minds may be tree planting as they grapple with the many challenges life throws at them.
But then, tree planting has a significant value in the lives of these vulnerable group as they are most impacted by drought, desertification and all other climate related challenges
It appears, they may be oblivious to these challenges and the contribution they could make in protecting the environment
This is the essence of this awareness programme that targets children in the IDP camp, and teaching them the importance of tree planting
The purpose of the project is also to show children how to plant trees in the IDP camps, and encourage them to continue learning and seek more knowledge
If everyone commits to planting and nurturing trees, it will be easier to achieve a healthier planet for future generations.