Enugu state government has initiated plans to address the disparity between men and women economic participation in the state.
This was demonstrated at the Inauguration of Technical Working Group for the Development of the Women’s Economic Empowerment in the state.
Research from the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report positions Nigeria at 130th on the Gap index, highlighting the pressing need for enhanced gender equality.
World Bank statistics reveal a stark contrast in entrepreneurial participation, with women owning only 34% of businesses compared to 66% owned by men.
Recognizing these challenges, Enugu State Government in collaboration with development partners like South Sahara Development Organization commence the process of domesticating the National Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) Policy in Enugu State.
This policy is designed to provide comprehensive framework to address the needs of vulnerable women, coordinate women-focused programs and activities under a unified umbrella.
The development partners underscore the benefits of the WEE Policy, which offers template to meet the diverse needs of women.
The policy will address multifaceted challenges women face, ranging from access to finance and markets to skills development and legal support.
The policy Is expected to streamline efforts, ensuring that all initiatives aimed at empowering women are managed, creating significant step towards making a more inclusive and supportive environment for women entrepreneurs.