A training for health workers on cervical cancer screening and referral for primary and secondary levels across the six geo political zones has kicked off.
The three day capacity building is to ensure that there is a reduction in the burden of disease and patients are given the best treatment.
The growing number of cervical cancer cases in Nigeria has brought the need to ensure a reduction of the burden through deliberate efforts.
A three-day capacity building training for both the primary and secondary levels of care aimed at providing the techniques needed by health workers for early detection and treatment of cervical cases in all facilities is part of this efforts.
In 2020, about 604,000 new cases of cervical cancer were recorded alongside 342,000 deaths making it the second most common cancer affecting women in Nigeria and the fourth most common cancer among women globally.
Experts say the ability to promote early detection and treatment of cervical cancer is the first step to reducing the cancer burden in the country, this is to complement the ongoing HPV vaccination campaign by the government.
The theme “Cervical Cancer Screening and Referral’ conforms with the ongoing efforts to totally eliminate cancer in the country.