A new documentary titled ‘Mothers of Chibok,’ directed by award-winning Nigerian filmmaker Joel ‘Kachi Benson, recently had its world premiere at the annual documentary film festival Doc NYC in New York.
The documentary follows the lives of four mothers over a farming season, capturing their perseverance in the wake of the 2014 tragedy when Boko Haram militants kidnapped their daughters in Northeast Nigeria.
Through this intimate portrayal, Benson paints a visceral portrait of the mothers’ resilience, faith, and enduring hope.
‘Mothers of Chibok’ is a follow-up to Benson’s groundbreaking virtual reality film ‘Daughters of Chibok,’ which earned him the prestigious Best Immersive Story award at the 76th Venice International Film Festival, making him the first African filmmaker to win in that category.
The documentary will continue its screening at the festival before embarking on a home tour in Nigeria.