The Brigade Commander, 23 Armoured Brigade, Gibson Jalo Military Cantonment, Yola, Brigadier General PK Zawaya has applauded Brigadier General YD Ahmed’s monumental accomplishments as Director General of National Youth Service Corps.
General Zawaya who gave the commendation when the latter visited him in his office said NYSC has been further repositioned to achieve greater milestones in the last two years.
He said he has been following General Ahmed’s trajectory and he is proud of the transformations his administration has brought to NYSC since assuming office.
He encouraged the Director General to intensify efforts to ensure he leaves behind more enduring legacies for which the Nigerian Army would be proud of, for recommending him for the post.
The Commander said he would continue to ensure that Adamawa State is safe for Corps Members, adding that the barrack is a conducive environment for Corps Members to serve.
Earlier, the Director General thanked the Brigade Commander for his unwavering support to NYSC in Adamawa State, especially in the area of providing security and welfare for Corps Members.
“Sir, I am not surprised at your immeasurable support to NYSC, taking into cognizance the fact that the Scheme is widely regarded as a child of the Army”, he added.