Outcome of the just concluded general election in Nigeria still leaves a sour taste in the mouth of many particularly
Statistics show that since the return of democracy in 1999, only 157 women have been elected into the two chambers of the National Assembly compared to 2657 men.
Sadly the number of women in elected offices have been on the decline.

The number of bills to increase women involvement were also rejected at the last Constitutional review exercise.
A visit to NILDS by the U.N women delegation is to further strengthen the existing relationship and look at more ways to achieve improved women participation in governance.
The host is also at a loss as to the reasons behind the drastic fall in women representation in political positions.
The Institute also raises concerns over the decline in the number of returning legislators at State and National levels just as the U.N organization seeks a way out.
The resolve of the two organizations is to foster collaboration and work towards achieving an improved number of women in elective and appointing offices.