New researches that will improve the treatment of typhoid fever, end open defecation and improve oil exploration are underway at the IBB University Lapai.
The three researchers have secured a 70 million naira grant from TETFUND to research into these fields.
It is common in Nigeria for patients to be referred to take a Widal test for typhoid fever and malaria test once they complain of feverish conditions.
Some times this leads to a wrong diagnosis as the condition might not be typhoid fever.
A professor of Pharmacological Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the university IBB university, Dickson Achimugu, is embarking on a research to aid the treatment of typhoid fever through a grant provided by Tetfund.
Nigeria currently ranks number 1 in open defecation in the world overtaking India with 47 million people engaging in it.
Another researcher and professor of Environmental science Naomi John is researching into modalities that will involve the participation of the people in ending it.
While the world is advancing into clean energy solutions, a new research by Dr Ishaq Yusuf into Forensic re-evaluation of petroleum systems and reservoir geophysics in Nigerian inland basins has also commenced.