The president of the Centre for Socio- Legal Studies has welcomed the idea of a fixed tenure of five years for heads of courts in Nigeria, saying this will make them more accountable.
Prof Yemi Akinseye-George also urges the chief justice of Nigeria to issue an urgent deadline for the introduction of E-filing, E-service, E-Assignment and E-recording of court proceedings, as part of the national minimum standards for the administration of criminal justice in the country.
This Capacity-Building Workshop is to promote understanding of the National minimum standards for the effective implementation of the administration of criminal justice act at the federal level as well as the similar laws that have been enacted by states of the federation.
The body of Attorneys General in the country under the chairman of the Attorney General of the federation has also adopted these Standards as a basis for implementing reform and measuring impact by Justice sector agencies and operatives.
A crucial part of this engagement is brainstorming on what will be form the most salient features for an effective criminal justice system at the Federal and State levels.
If well implemented, this intervention is set to tackle porous investigation and prosecution of cases, case backlog, congested correctional centres, corruption and underdevelopment bedeviling the system.