Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) has challenged the public and media practitioners to promote Policy Brief on Early Warning and Early Response (EWER) systems as tool to mitigate, prevent conflicts as well as protect citizens from danger.
The group said it’s previous engagement with state and non-state actors observed the need to initiate EWER systems, especially at community levels to prevent conflicts.
Crisis management is the institutional framework used to deal with disruptive and unexpected event that threatens to harm an organisation or society.

It involves dealing with threats before, during, and after they have occurred.
It is a discipline within the broader context of management consisting of skills and techniques required to identify, assess, understand, and cope with a serious situation.
At this media interactive session, CISLAC program coordinator speaks to the Policy brief document that opens up observations to the challenges surrounding Early Warning and Early Response in Nigeria.
CISLAC admonished Nigerians to step up awareness mechanism as measures to prevent conflicts and enhance disaster Management.
The Program manager, Jimoh Abubakar advocates the need to raise community consciousness awareness mobilisation by way of moving from Kinetic to non Kinetic means for conflict resolution.
Some of the recommendations by CISLAC include adequate resource allocation, consistent recruitment of qualified persons in the security sector and more