The National Bioethics Committee has been inaugurated in the country following the federal government’s executive council’s approval for the bioethics framework and policy document last year.
The committee is charged with the responsibility of safeguarding dignity, rights and safety of citizens whose seek assistance related to medical or research related areas.

Nigeria has been a member of the United Nations educational scientific and cultural organizations since 1960.
It has as well been a signatory to the 2005 UNESCO Declaration on bioethics and human rights which advocated for the establishment of an independent multidisciplinary and pluralist National bioethics Committee.
The Federal Executive Council in May last year approved the bioethics and policy documents and directed that the national
biotechnology development agency puts the committee in place .
The committee has now been inaugurated.
Speaking at the inauguration, Minister for Science and Technology, Olorunibe Mamora said it is his utmost desire and
Hope now the committee will live up to expectations in its handling of matters that come before it.
The community is to amongst other things drive good clinical and research practices for sustainable National development.
It is to also advise the authorities on bioethics challenges and issues raised in biomedical and biotechnology related issues, publish recommendations on bioethic issues.
The authorities has asked UNESCO to initiate the process of establishing the debao Ethics Committee in 2009 following
the festival ethics stakeholders meeting in the country.