Plans are underway to commission Nigeria’s largest hydroelectric power dam with the generating capacity of 700 megawatts of electricity.
Niger state governor Abubakar Sani Bello toured the facility which is 98% completed, with the minister of power and the Senate committee on power.
Nigeria is currently one of the most underpowered countries in the world, with actual consumption 80% below expectations based on current population and income levels.
Self-generation in Nigeria is extremely prevalent, nearly half of all electricity consumed is self-generated implying a huge unserved demand.

Following the appearance of the minister of power before the house committee on power, chairman of the committee is here on a fact finding visit to ensure the country is getting the full benefit of its concession.
The minister of power further disclosed that all the four generating units in the dam are completed and ready to be connected to the national grid.
The zungeru hydropower project is the fourth hydro power dam in Niger state.
While power generation is commercialised, governor Abubakar Sani Bello is hopeful that State will enjoy other benefits from the water body
The dam is currently being concessioned to a private company and it is expected to be commissioned soon