The federal government has been requested to investigate the activities of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and safety agency.
The call was made at a maritime forum which held in Lagos.
Maritime experts identified areas that need closer scrutiny regarding the maritime management of funds.
At the conference, the management of the 25 Maritime fund the capital vessel financing funds and other topics dominated the discussion.

Speaking at the forum, Maritime Lawyer said “The NIMASA act makes provision for a maritime fund which should have 25 percent
of the income which the maritime generates from the industry.
“25 percent of that Maritime fund should go to the development of the Nigerian Maritime industry across board, which is separate from the cabotage versus financing Fund in the cabotage ACT which should go exclusively for the development of ship owning capacity.
“What has been done by nimasa with this 25 my time fund within the context of the law, I share with you very truthfully that I do not know.
“Today, we have NIMASA significantly investing in projects which should be undertaken by humanitarian agencies. We have the NIMASA investing in projects which are of some optimal impact to the maritime industry and not investing in those projects which are of long-term sustainable value to Nigerian maritime industry.
“These are things that should be interrogated”.