The Lagos zonal office of the National Broadcasting Corporation has paid a courtesy visit to TVC Communications Headquarters in Lagos as part of its familiarisation tour to media houses in the Lagos.
The team led by the zonal coordinator, Raphael Akpan among other issues discussed staff welfare and the digital switch over(DSO)
The new format allows the viewer to get higher quality video and audio signals than conventional analogue TV does not have.
This is in line with International Telecommunication Union, a specialised agency tasked by the United Nations to focus on information and communication technologies.

The chief executive officer , TVC communications, during his speech raised questions on the certainty of the DTT and public acceptance of this method of broadcasting.
Other members of the TVC Communications Senior management team spoke on the brand’s reputation as a great place to work and it’s effort at maximizing work performance .
The NBC in a response commended TVC’S effort in balance reporting, cutting edge broadcasting with a promise of making adequate preparations for the launch of the DTT .
The two teams agreed that a mutual relationship between the regulator and the regulated should go beyond sanctions and penalties.