The Nigeria Labour Congress has declared a two-day warning strike from next Tuesday in preparation for a total shutdown in 21 days.
NLC is also threatening industrial action to protest an alleged onslaught against trade unions by some governors and organisations.
Fuel subsidy removal and its attendant economic crisis remain a talking point in Nigeria’s polity.
The policy has led to untold hardships among the people and organised labour says it is determined to serve as the voice of the downtrodden.

Inflation is on the high side as the umbrella body of workers believes the 133 million multi-dimensionally poor citizens initially recognised by the National Bureau of Statistics have increased.
But Government says it is not leaving anything to chance to assuage the pains of the people.
It believes the N5 billion intervention to each of the states as palliative for the People will go a long way to bring about the needed succor for the masses.
Its barely twenty four hours after it held a National symposium on ‘Nigerian Economy and The Crisis of Survival: Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich’.
Now, NLC says it is embarking on a two-day warning strike over government’s inability to meet its demands on salient national issues including fuel subsidy removal.
The Congress insists this will transform into full blown industrial action in 21 days, if government fails to return to the negotiation table
The crisis rocking the national union of road and transport workers and the face-off between workers and the Imo state government also formed part of the talking points by the NLC.
Its resolve is to call workers out to down-tools if the appropriate authorities fail to see reason.