The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Rural Electrification Agency, Mr Ahmad Salihijo says the Tinubu administration has now taken a bold step towards ensuring food security in the country.
This is through the recent deployment of Solar Mini-grids across agrarian communities nationwide.
Gurin town in fufore local government area of Adamawa state is known for rice production.
The Rural Electrification Agency has now installed 100 Kilowatt Solar Mini-grid in the community to mitigate spiraling cost of energy due to the removal of subsidy on fuel.

The 100Kw Solar Mini-grid power plant built by the agency through a private developer
The managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Rural Electrification Agency, explains the idea behind the Mini-grid, which is to provide power for processing so that the Rice Millers’ dependency on petrol is reduced.
Similar projects in the North East geopolitical zone has seen five other communities also equipped with 100Kw Solar Mini-grid system.
There are a total of 40 isolated power distribution systems, alone in Adamawa, targeted at rural communities, where the predominant activity there is agriculture.
The rice Millers Association in the state are happy at this project, which installation has addressed power challenges experienced by the Rice millers
Residents believe this step by Tinubu administration will greatly help the nation achieve food security.