The House of Representatives has canvassed for urgent measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children on the internet.
Its Committee on Justice escalated this advocacy at a public hearing on the Bill seeking to enact the Child Online Access Protection law.
As the world gradually becomes a global village, concerns are raised about the safety of children.
A bill to guarantee the safety of children online brings together these professionals and government agencies.
While the Internet has revolutionised the society, connecting people from all works of life and providing countless opportunities for learning, growth and entertainment,

It was also agreed that it brings with it risk, particularly for the vulnerable minds.
The parliament charged parents and educators to do everything possible to protect the child from falling prey to Internet pedophiles
Representatives of Government agencies such as the Federal Inland Revenue Service, Nigerian Communications Commission and the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs insist that priority must be given to the safety and wellbeing of the Nigerian child in a digital age.
Still on the use of the internet, the House has resolved to engage the office of the National Security Adviser, other relevant agencies, cryptocurrency exchanges, and stakeholders in tracking, identifying, and recovering illicit and laundered funds or assets.
The Sponsor .of the motion under matters of urgent national importance emphasises growing concerns over the national security implications of cryptocurrency and other related digital asset transactions
In collaboration with relevant stakeholders, the House is to initiate necessary processes for establishing the profile of operators in the sector as a way of sensitising the entire value chain and ensuring that the nation’s security is not compromised.