The people of Kula in Akuku-Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State say they are committed to working with the President of the National Youth Council Of Nigeria to rid their area of oil thieves and illegal bunkering activities.
They fully support Sukubo Sara-Igbe’s “Oil Theft Zero Tolerance Sensitisation” programme to the area that recently destroyed four wooden boats used to steal crude oil around Wellheads 1 and 2 in OML 25 in Kula.

The campaign against crude oil theft is yielding some fruits already, as collaboration between the Kula Kingdom and the Crude Oil Theft Zero Tolerance programme has facilitated the arrest of Oil thieves in the area.
These wooden boats used to transport stolen crude was also seized around wellheads 1 and 2 of OML 25 in Kula.
President of the National Youth Council Of Nigeria Sukubo Sara-Igbe Sukubo has been spearheading this campaign to galvanise community efforts against oil theft.
He says the latest suspects arrested have handed over to security agencies for prosecution.
As the perpetrators are charged to court, their tools were not spared as well, they set fire on their boats and hope to completely take them out of business.