Security experts have advocated concerted efforts from the public to tackle proliferation of Small arms and light weapons in the country.
This formed part of their resolution reached at the workshop organised by the National Center for The control of Small arms and light weapons, South East zone in Enugu.
The proliferation of Small arms and light weapons has in no doubt contributed to insecurity bedeviling the growth of Nigeria.

It has been estimated that about 640 million small arms and light weapons are in circulation worldwide. 100 million are estimated to be in Africa and 8 million in West Africa alone and over 70 percent of the 8 million illegal weapons are in Nigeria.
This multi sectoral stakeholders meeting for security operatives in South East region of Nigeria, seeks to evolve strategy to contain the menace.
Zonal coordinator of the agency identified factors responsible for proliferation of illicit arms, for about two decades threatening the National Security.
Contributions by representatives of security agents underscores the need to promote synergy, collaboration and cooperation from the public as measures to promote illicit arms free society.
However, at the panel session, participants highlighted the need for effective border security, international collaboration, legislation, recovery and destruction as measure to curb the menace .
The one-day workshop was organised by the office of the National Security Adviser to the president identified Insurgency, arms militia, porous border, secessionist agitation and kidnapping were principal indices for illicit arm possession by non state actors.