The teachers registration Council of Nigeria says it has rooted out over 7 000 quack teachers in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States as part of efforts to tackle the challenges in the Nigerian education sector.
Speaking at a one-day Workshop organised for members of the education correspondence in Abuja, the Registrar of the council emphasised the importance of teachers training in improving the nation’s education sector.

Teachers are key players in the education sector of any Nation as they determine the standard of learning in any country.
The challenges in Nigerian education have largely been attributed to poor teaching techniques, this is in turn due to the fact that experienced professional teachers who are highly committed and dedicated are hard to come by today’s schools.
The teachers registration Council has taken some practical steps to salvage the situation.
At a workshop with education correspondents, the council reveals that in its effort to tackle quackery in the profession, it has stopped over 7 000 teachers and register over 2.3 million teachers in its database.
The chairman of Education corresponding stresses the needs to enhance the teaching profession.
The registrar also noted that the country is not yet where it ought to be in terms of having a promising education sector but steps have been faking to change the tide of teaching profession in Nigeria.