Media Practitioners have been advised to be fearless in the face of various challenges affecting press freedom in Nigeria.
Experts in the profession including lecturers, publishers head of media organisations expressed the need for journalists to have to access to information and better remuneration in the discharge of their duties.
The World Press Freedom Day is celebrated globally on May 3, following a declaration by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993.

The day gives media professionals and people the opportunity to take critical look at the emerging challenges facing press freedom and safety of journalists.
In Nigeria, practitioners are battling with challenges around ownership and government control, unfriendly environment among others.
According to 2021 statistics by Reporters Without Borders, Nigeria ranked 120 out of 180 countries in World Press Freedom Index.(gfx)
The profession is not immuned against constant brutality by security agents while discharging their duties.
They expressed concern that the free space is being compressed by laws, which impede journalists from getting free access to information.
They also want better welfare package for journalists and an enabling environment